From a small workshop tucked away in England, a laboratory of sorts houses an individual artisan handcrafting these wild grained pattern rods that are harmonious with wood.
Eldritch Cumberland is a Resin Product designed to echo the grained look of traditional Ebonite Cumberland/Brindle but in vibrant colors, more usually seen in acrylic and other thermo plastics. Eldritch Cumberland has a similar hardness to Ebonite, and it is a little lighter. It is easy to bend with careful heat and patience. A delrin tenon is recommended over cutting a tenon. Easy to polish to a mirror shine with traditional sanding and buffing, and it machines well. Eldritch Cumberland will not oxidize, and it will keep its finish well
Eldritch Cumberland
Well... Almost lost for words, another 1st: No smell, works like butter, shines like liquid glass and tender on the teeth.... what???